marius 5.3 you are here: travels
all sections at this site: more about marius - contact and links - pantha rhei - travels
Johannes Marius on Horseback1957
see more in
about marius: album


marius' travels
i travel a lot, privately or for business, or combined

my journals were originally written in dutch, i haven't been able yet to translate it all into english, a thing i will probably only do for future journals of my travels

morocco 2005
in 2005 i visited morocco, something i had been wanting to do for many years

morocco 2005:
all revised in april 2011

go to my renewed
journal on morocco 2005
(opens new menu, to get back here close the screen, or choose from there: back to marius: travels)

i was there again in 2012, but didn't make such an extensive journal, in facebook there are several images of that trip to be seen

(all pages are in dutch, intro in english available)

more travels
currently i am working on:
france 2008
will be placed here in full
(so far: ready up to day 8 of this trip)

france and spain 2007
(old site; new screen)
i am still consering wether to place this journal at this new 5.1 version of my website

trips to poland (several) and france (2002) can be seen at folly's pages:
3964 sticks (new screen)

many pictures of my travels to spain, and many other places, can be seen in facebook


i place images in albums on facebook, however, without true descriptions of the journey, which i regret: i would like to place more here