marius 4.4
pets: 4693 sticks: intro
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the 4693rd stick was thrown june 7, 2004

the only one we threw on that hot and sunny day
it would be the last stick she ever went to fetch
i didn't even throw it that far
yet she ran to fetch it: it was her last time running
i keep this stick at home for memory's sake
she died the next day

ten years of my life have
i have had the good fortune to spend with folly
that is why this section is placed here: our ten years together

this great dog named folly lived to become ten years old
just two days after her 10th birthday she died
maybe too young for her breed (standard poodle)
i had hoped for at least three years more
she was born june 6, 1994
she died, of cancer, on june 8, 2004

only ten years
but these years have been intense
for her, as well as for me
the two of us a matching pair

folly 2002

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(these pages have been revised;
july 2008:
to get all of the pages in similar 'style'